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Thursday, October 16, 2014

  1. 1
    Consult with your doctor before beginning treatment. If you have Type 2 diabetes, your body is able to produce some insulin, as opposed to none at all, but has a diminished capacity for producing insulin or is not able to use the chemical correctly. Because of this crucial difference, Type 2 diabetes symptoms can be more mild than Type 1 symptoms, have a more gradual onset, and can require less drastic treatments (though exceptions are possible). However, as with Type 1 diabetes, seeing your doctor before beginning any treatment plan is still essential. Only a qualified medical professional has the knowledge definitively diagnose your diabetes and design a treatment plan that's tailored to your personal needs.
  2. 2
    If you can, manage your diabetes with diet and exercise. As noted above, people with Type 2 diabetes have a diminished (but not nonexistent) capacity to make and use insulin naturally. Because their bodies do make some insulin, in some cases, it's possible for people with Type 2 diabetes to manage their disease without having to use any artificial insulin. Usually, this is done through careful diet and exercise, which means minimizing the amount of sugary foods consumed, maintaining a healthy weight, and exercising regularly. Some people with mild cases of Type 2 diabetes can potentially live basically "normal" lives if they are very careful about what they eat and how much they exercise.
    • It's important to remember, however, that some cases of Type 2 diabetes are more sever than others and can't be managed with diet and exercise alone and can require insulin or other medications.
    • Note: see the sections below for information relating to diet and medications.
  3. 3
    Be prepared to pursue more aggressive treatment options over time. Type 2 diabetes is known to be a progressive disease. This means that it can get worse over time. This is thought to be because the body's cell's responsible for producing insulin get "worn out" from having to work extra hard in people with Type 2 diabetes.[12]As a result, cases of Type 2 diabetes that once required relatively minor treatment options can eventually require more drastic treatments, including insulin therapy, after several years. This is often not due to any fault on the patient's behalf.
    • As with Type 1 diabetes, you should keep in close contact with your physician if you have Type 2 diabetes - regular tests and checkups can help you detect the progression of Type 2 diabetes before it becomes serious.
  4. 4
    Consider bariatric surgery if you are obese. Obesity is one of the leading causes of Type 2 diabetes. However, being obese can make any case of diabetes more dangerous and harder to manage. The added stress that obesity puts on the body can make it extremely difficult to keep blood sugar at healthy levels. In Type 2 diabetes cases where patients have high body mass indexes (usually greater than 35), doctors will sometimes recommend weight-reduction surgeries to bring the patient's weight under control quickly. Two types of surgery are usually used for this purpose:[13]

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